Here at Touch IT we specialise in all your computer
Training solutions from Access to Visio as well as softskill
training. Our training is delivered by qualified trainers
who have a wealth of business and training experience.
Whether you want one-to-one training, or a closed course
at your own facilities or you would prefer to use our facilities
in Essex and London we believe our trainers can deliver
informative, structured training at the right level for
your particular requirements.
Outlines of our most common courses are available, but
please enquire if the course you are interested in is not
displayed. These courses can be tailored to your exact
needs in any of our closed courses.
If you require any further information or prices, please
email one of our training advisers -
Course Outlines
ACT! CRM | Access
| Creating Business Applications in
Visual Basic | DreamWeaver
| Excel | FrontPage
| Internet | Outlook
| PageMaker | Paradox
| PhotoShop | PowerPoint
| Publisher | Project
| Visio | Windows
| Word
Train the Trainer |
Presentation Design Skills